Are you someone who struggles with reaching your health goals?
Are you someone that sets the intention for the changes you want to make and yet can’t seem to follow through with the things you know you need to do in order to make that happier and healthier version of yourself a reality?
If this is you, you are NOT alone. With the growing intensity of the hustle bustle of modern life we naturally have times where we lose our attention and focus on what is most important, that which sustains our lives: our health. If this pattern goes unchecked, before we know it we are in the habit of engaging in unhealthy habits that take us further away from our desire and commitment to improving our own experience. Lost in a sea of overwhelm, without a clear compass of how we can get back on the right track, we succumb to complacency and feelings of powerlessness, convincing ourselves that the path to living a vital and vibrant life is ridden with a laundry list of (perceived) obstacles. We begin trying to convince ourselves that having chronic fatigue, excess weight, insomnia, or depression is well, not THAT bad. Yet if we are honest, we know that it is THAT bad.
Getting back on track doesn’t have to be so hard and overwhelming. Taking time each month to focus on how you could improve one aspect of your health can be extremely beneficial, all the while improving your health one step at a time. So rather than waiting for the end of the year to set goals on how to better realign with your health and life goals, what if you committed to taking a proactive step each month that gave you the vital information, tools, and support you need to begin realigning to a healthier you NOW?
Start your month off with a boost! Like everything else, making change happen in our lives takes a certain level of dedication, focus, commitment, accountability, and support. Dr Kimberly Hoffman Karuna created the Monday Boost with this in mind, creating a monthly ritual to help you gain access to the information, tools, and support you need to begin experiencing improvements in your health and wellbeing NOW…without breaking your bank.
What is the Monday Boost?
Beginning November 4th, on the 1st Monday of each month from 4-5:30pm, Dr Kimberly will be offering vitamin and nutrient support in the form of intramuscular injections to help you jump start your metabolism, combat fatigue, improve weight loss, optimize detoxification, and reestablish a more balanced mood. Individuals can customize their nutrient formula to support their unique health goals with formulas ranging anywhere from $15-90. After receiving your “nutrient boost” formula, Dr Kimberly invites you to stay from 6-7pm to participate in a stimulating discussion that she will be facilitating on a particular health topic chosen for that month. Come participate in interesting conversations, learn vital health information, and meet other like-minded folk who are interested in transforming their health and their lives. Topics to be discussed include everything from how to balance your hormones, achieve weight loss, revitalize your libido, and improve your digestive health. Want to hear about a specific topic? These health talks are for YOU so feel free to offer suggestions to Dr Kimberly about what you would like to hear about. The cost to attend these community health talks is only $10.
You can customize your Monday Boost nutrient formula using any of the following ingredients
Natural antidepressant through supporting healthy neurological activity
Supports healthy aging by optimizing cellular repair
Improves energy production by optimizing the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats
Supports healthy cardiovascular function
Supports healthy sleep and cognitive function
Enhances your immune function
B complex:
Improves cognitive function
Enhances mood and overall sense of well being
Improves energy production by optimizing the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats
MIC (methionine, inositol, choline):
Lowers cholesterol levels in the blood
Enhance healthy liver and kidney function (supports detoxification)
Supports proper metabolism of fats and cholesterol thereby boosting your energy production
Improves blood sugar balance
Tonifies the liver, preventing fatty deposition in the liver
Deactivates toxin
Increases energy production by using stored fat as fuel
Enhances weight loss
Supports healthy aging
Optimizes exercise performance
Regulates heart rhythms; alleviates palpitations
Supports bone strength
Prevent high blood pressure
Supports melatonin production for restful sleep
Improves energy production by enhancing metabolism
Relieves muscle spasms and cramps
Reduces anxiety, irritability, and fatigue
Alleviates constipation
Promotes relaxation and feelings of calm; Decreases anxiety
Reduces mental fatigue and stress
Increases cognitive performance
Improves sleep
Improves mental focus
Why intramuscular injections?
Did you know that when vitamins and nutrients are ingested orally we only absorb approximately 20%? The percentage is even lower for those who have chronic digestive complaints as absorption of these nutrients through the digestive tract can be significantly compromised and diminished. When nutrients are administered as an intramuscular injection the nutrients bypass the digestive system, thereby delivering the nutrients directly into your bloodstream. Administering nutrients through intramuscular injections is the quickest and most efficient way to correct deficiencies and support the body’s metabolic health and function. Some report feeling a noticeable difference within 10 minutes of a nutrient injection.