What to expect
The path to wholeness is both sacred and transformative. The reintegration of mind, body and spirit is the basis from which we all thrive, and in our work together I allow the wisdom of science and spirit to merge and bridge our understanding of what is needed to restore balance.
Serving as a medical detective, intuitive guide, and transformational coach, I help you identify the underlying root causes behind your health complaints and guide you in the right direction to restore the alignment of your mind, body, and soul. The healing process is unique for every individual and begins with taking a thorough medical history to identify your ground zero, the place where the root of the core imbalance within your mind, body, and spirit lies. Acknowledging how the foundation of our health is heavily guided by how we choose to live each day, I take a thorough inventory of your current diet and lifestyle and make the necessary recommendations to redirect your body towards a state of balance. From this place, we begin creating a roadmap to get you from where you are to where you want to be using natural therapies (herbs, homeopathic remedies, clinical nutrition) alongside potent energy medicine modalities that help you remember and realign to your authentic self while restoring coherence within your mind, heart, and body.
Initial Appointment
In our first appointment, we spend 90 minutes together with the intention of you to receive the clarifying information you need to understand the root causes of your symptoms and to walk away with grounded inspiration, clarity, and commitment to making the changes you need to begin experiencing a more vital state of health.
Our work together begins with evaluating your medical history as well as the timeline and nature of your symptoms in order to discover the existing patterns of imbalance that occur at the level of your mind, body, and spirit. Any recent laboratory studies will be reviewed. As the interplay of these imbalances is revealed, modifications to your current diet and lifestyle are recommended to interrupt the disruptive pattern that is in place. In doing so, you will have a clarifying commitment to making healthier choices while minimizing the use of nutritional supplements that may not otherwise be necessary. Additional laboratory testing may be ordered if deemed appropriate. Your initial treatment plan may include everything from nutrition and lifestyle modifications, customized herbal formulas, homeopathics, clinical nutrient supplementation, or hormonal prescriptions (if indicated) as well as recommendations for additional modalities (i.e. transformational coaching, Holistic Pelvic Care™, Reconnective Healing) that can help catalyze your healing process at the level of mind and spirit.
Follow-up Appointments
In subsequent appointments, we will evaluate the ways in which your patterns of imbalance have improved since the last appointment and identify the next steps to be taken to support you on your healing journey. The duration and timeline for follow-up appointments vary and are dependent on the extent to which your mind, body, and spirit are no longer in a state a dis-ease. Each appointment serves as an invitation for you to not only refine and redefine your health goals but also activate the transformational healing process that occurs when we release ourselves from the blockages to experiencing optimal wellness.
Currently medical appointments with a Naturopathic doctor are not typically covered under most insurance plans in California, although some patients have had success with insurers reimbursing for my services as an "out of network" provider.
I encourage you to check with your individual health care plan for details of potential coverage. Paperwork with appropriate diagnostic and visit codes will be provided upon request to help facilitate insurance reimbursement for appointments with me.