Workshop - Breaking Free: How to live 2020 without from Fear, Anxiety, and Depression
How it works
The terms anxiety and depression are often only used in the conventional medical world to point to the need for a prescription of an anti-depressant or anxiolytic, and these prescriptions provide nothing other than sense of reprieve from feeling the depths of our own emotional turmoil. Rather than put a label on an individual’s emotional experience and simply give them a prescription or natural therapy, I find it significantly more important and transformative to identify and explore the factors that are contributing to the emotional discomfort. If we acknowledge that the emotional experience of fear, anxiety or depression is just like any other “symptom” and that these emotions are there to draw our attention to what is out of balance and/or what changes we need to make, we have the opportunity to see fear, anxiety and depression as allies and respond differently. With this shift in mindset, we are able to step away from our fight or flight response and step into a place of inquiry and empowered understanding. Medications like SSRIs and anxiolytics are not the solution to treating anxiety and depression. The solution lies within our understanding of who we are, our mindset and orientation to the future, and in the daily choices we make that support our mental health.
Workshop Program
Day 1: To start the day, we'll discuss your body makeup, your mind-gut nutrition, digestion, hormones, genetics, and how it contributes to the fear, anxiety, and depression you might feel. In the afternoon, we'll cover the perceived definition of anxiety, and redefine it for every individual to cover the bio-social-physical makeup of our beings. We'll go on to explore subjects such as past experiences, why we project, etc.
Day 2: We'll workshop the "victim story roadmap" and explore methodologies to change perspectives.
This will be a very interactive workshop, including the use of journaling, dyads, reflections, essential oils, herbs, natural therapies, movement therapies, etc. to overcome fear and anxiety.