Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

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The Health and Balance of Your Pelvic Floor

It is not uncommon for women to come and see me with complaints of urinary incontinence (aka urinary leakage), vaginismus (vaginal spasms), and/or pain with sex. When such complaints become chronic, there can be significant negative impacts on a woman’s ability to move through her life and relationships with ease. As a Naturopathic Doctor I evaluate such complaints using a holistic lens, taking into account all factors that influence the health and balance of the woman’s pelvic floor. In order to maintain balance of the musculature within a woman’s pelvic bowl, those muscles that are “hypertonic” (having too much tone) must release their constrictive pattern while those muscles that are “hypotonic” (having not enough tone) must learn to contract more effectively. For some people the imbalances in the musculature are a result of having given birth to children, for some it is secondary to imbalances in the strength of their core muscles, for some it is related to chronic infections, and for others it stems from suppressed traumas (sexual, mental and/or emotional).

A Holistic Perspective to Pelvic Health and Imbalance

As a Naturopathic Doctor and Holistic Pelvic Care™ Specialist, I treat pelvic floor dysfunction from a very holistic perspective. I utilize pelvic floor physical therapy techniques to help release tension patterns within the fascia, increasing blood flow, oxygenation, and circulation of nutrients to the tissues, thereby improving the overall health and vitality of the muscles within the pelvic floor. However, working solely on the physical plane only goes so far. Albert Einstein was the first person to help us understand through his theory of special relativity that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. The field of quantum physics has expanded on Einstein’s understanding and has since increased our awareness of what science has now proven to be true: everything is energy. Because we experience ourselves as human beings in physical form, it can be easy for us to understand that we (are) matter.  Yet without understanding the incredible influence that energy has on our physical form, we may forget and not understand how our energy (which is determined by our thoughts and emotions) can disturb and disrupt the integrity and health of our matter(ing).

Sound too woo woo? Let me give you an example. Water can take many physical forms and its resulting form is dependent upon the energy that it receives. At a certain frequency of energy water becomes matter in what we recognize as an ice cube. At a different frequency of energy that same water becomes liquid water and at yet another frequency that same water becomes steam. The water is the same in all expressions but it is transformed into forms based on the energy. The same is true for our physical bodies in that the frequency of energy that vibrates within us influences the physical structure and functioning of our body (our matter). So while it is indeed important to use manual therapies to help release the constricting patterns held in the pelvic floor musculature, it is also important to release the constricting energy patterns held within our inner beings that stem from past traumas and other painful experiences.

I am deeply passionate about helping a woman return to her true, authentic, vibrant and healthy self. A woman’s pelvis is the powerhouse of a woman’s creative and energetic center. It is from this sacred space that a woman can give birth not only to her beloved children but also to her creative ideas. In modern times we have lost the understanding that the pelvic bowl houses a deep wisdom and intelligence, and that it can serve as a unique resource a woman can use to help restore physical and emotional balance in her time of need.  Holistic Pelvic Care™ is both a physical and energetic therapy that helps a woman gain greater access to her creative intuition, find clarity of mind and realign with her spiritual calling – all while minimizing the symptoms associated with pelvic floor dysfunction.

Book a Holistic Pelvic Care™ session to discover how you can tap into your true self and release the old patterns that prevent you from experiencing the healthy and happy body and life you deserve.