Upcoming Workshops


Transformational Weight Loss: A 26-day program

Dr. Kimberly Karuna offers a unique and comprehensive weight loss program that incorporates specific dietary recommendations alongside therapeutic interventions to help support you in reaching and maintaining your weight loss goals. Your body will begin burning the extra fat tissue that you have stored in those not so friendly places (i.e. inner thighs, around the midline) as a source of fuel, leaving you with the experience of weight loss as well as an increase in energy, focus and overall wellbeing. The program includes all recommended therapies as well as weekly meetings with Dr Kimberly to review your progress and answer any questions you may have during the duration of your program. Unlike other programs that focus only on the number of pounds you lose, this program also measures your success by the extent to which you understand your relationship with food and weight.

This unique weight loss program is for you if you are ready to:

  • address the underlying causes and influences that prevent you from losing weight.

  • commit to 30 days of redefining your diet.

  • establish a healthy relationship with the food you eat and your weight.

  • transform your old, sabotaging habits that keep you in the cycle of emotional eating and addictive patterns.


 Workshop: Breaking Free from Fear, Anxiety and Depression

Feel empowered, learn that you can have control over your anxiety.


How it works

The terms anxiety and depression are often only used in the conventional medical world to point to the need for a prescription of an anti-depressant or anxiolytic, and these prescriptions provide nothing other than sense of reprieve from feeling the depths of our own emotional turmoil. Rather than put a label on an individual’s emotional experience and simply give them a prescription or natural therapy, I find it significantly more important and transformative to identify and explore the factors that are contributing to the emotional discomfort. If we acknowledge that the emotional experience of fear, anxiety or depression is just like any other “symptom” and that these emotions are there to draw our attention to what is out of balance and/or what changes we need to make, we have the opportunity to see fear, anxiety and depression as allies and respond differently. With this shift in mindset, we are able to step away from our fight or flight response and step into a place of inquiry and empowered understanding. Medications like SSRIs and anxiolytics are not the solution to treating anxiety and depression. The solution lies within our understanding of who we are, our mindset and orientation to the future, and in the daily choices we make that support our mental health.

Workshop Program

Day 1: To start the day, we'll discuss your body makeup, your mind-gut nutrition, digestion, hormones, genetics, and how it contributes to the fear, anxiety, and depression you might feel. In the afternoon, we'll cover the perceived definition of anxiety, and redefine it for every individual to cover the bio-social-physical makeup of our beings. We'll go on to explore subjects such as past experiences, why we project, etc.

Day 2: We'll workshop the "victim story roadmap" and explore methodologies to change perspectives.

This will be a very interactive workshop, including the use of journaling, dyads, reflections, essential oils, herbs, natural therapies, movement therapies, etc. to overcome fear and anxiety.


Unveiling the Subconscious Anchor: Why Changing Habits is a Battle Within

Photo by Lucas Sankey

Did you know that there is a simple formula that we can all follow that will allow us to immediately start experiencing greater health at the level of mind, body, and spirit?

It is true. We simply have to do more of the things that support the health of our body, mind, and spirit and less of the things that erode our health and promote dis-ease. In other words, we simply need to make healthier choices.

Sounds simple, right? It would be if it weren’t for one small but important distinction: our choices are not solely dictated by conscious intent; they are profoundly influenced by the subconscious programming ingrained within us.

Subconscious Programming: A Foundation of Habit

Beneath the realm of conscious decisions lies the labyrinth of our subconscious programming – a complex reservoir that holds all of our memories, past experiences, and emotions that form the lens through which we perceive the world. Like an unseen geyser, it constantly shapes our choices and influences our decisions, propelled by the beliefs that were formed based on how we metabolized our past experiences and the thoughts and emotions we associated with those experiences. If our past experiences have been laden with the toxic energies of shame, guilt, and fear, then our subconscious programming will be dominated by these same toxic energies which will have a silent but deadly influence on the health of our mind, body, and relationships (spirit). 

To initiate profound change, we must embark on a journey of awareness, confronting the choices we make, their underlying motivations, and the imperative to transition toward healthier alternatives. Our minds often default to familiar patterns, seeking comfort in routines that align with this programming. This is particularly evident in our dietary, exercise, and lifestyle choices – areas where habits can either cultivate vitality or hinder progress.

Ever wonder why you say you really want to start making healthier choices and yet can’t seem to align your actions with your words? This is exactly why. Ultimately, it is our subconscious mind that steers the course of our healing journey and leads us to make choices aligned with familiar patterns, even if they are detrimental to our health.  So, if there is a time when the desires and needs of the subconscious mind are different and in opposition to those of the conscious mind, the subconscious mind will win in that game of tug of war. It always does.

Let’s take an example. Let’s pretend that you are someone who desperately wants to lose weight yet cannot seem to commit to an exercise and/or nutritional regimen that would support weight loss. Your conscious mind is committed to one agenda (losing weight) but your subconscious mind is committed to another agenda (keeping you safe and comfortable so that you don’t have more experiences that might lead you to feel like a failure, an outsider, or just not good enough).

THIS is at the heart of all self-sabotaging behaviors or why we remain “stuck” and unable to achieve our health goals.

It is the unhealthy thoughts, emotions, and beliefs within your subconscious programming that continue to surreptitiously steer you in the wrong direction and guide you to make the unhealthy choices that your conscious mind would never make.

When it comes to truly transforming our health, we must not just address the dis-ease that exists at the surface level. To make lasting changes, we must recognize the role of our subconscious mind in resisting change, embrace discomfort as a sign of growth, and embark on the task of rewiring our programming. While it is important to address the imbalances that exist in the body and use therapies to restore the health and balance of our digestion, hormones, immunity, and detoxification, ultimately, we must also work to unravel the intricacies of our subconscious programming if we wish to usher in the long-lasting change necessary for a healthier existence. By unveiling the subconscious anchor that holds us back, we can step into a future where change is not just possible but an integral part of our evolution.

Rewiring Our Subconscious Programming

What if I told you there were likely only two things that were interfering with our ability to override our subconscious programming and thus interfering with our ability to experience better health in our minds, bodies, and relationships?

It is true. Want to know what that one thing is? Our addiction to comfort and our resistance to change. To experience transformative change, we simply have to be willing to get uncomfortable.  

Change only happens at the edge of our comfort zone yet our unwillingness to get uncomfortable and our resistance to change is what usually prevents us from experiencing the change we seek. Imagine attempting to switch from a sedentary lifestyle to a regular exercise routine. Initially, the mind will resist this change, seeking refuge in the comfort of familiar patterns. This subconscious resistance can manifest as procrastination, self-sabotage, or an overwhelming urge to revert to old habits. To overcome this, we must recognize that resistance is a natural response to our subconscious programming and work towards rewiring it. We must be willing to push past the discomfort we feel in our mind and body. We must be willing to experience the discomfort that arises when we face those painful thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that our subconscious has been working hard to protect us from.


Changing our subconscious programming may not be easy but it is certainly possible. 

To do so, we must:

·      Take ourselves off of auto-pilot and become consciously aware of the choices we are making

·      Understand what is a healthy choice and what is an unhealthy choice

·      Recognize and acknowledge the impact that our unhealthy choices have on the health of our mind, body, and relationships (spirit)

·      Be willing to bring all of this into our consciousness awareness and take responsibility for the choices we have made in the past and the choices we will be making in the future

·      Choose courage over comfort and continue making healthier decisions in the face of discomfort 


Soul Medicine: The Deeper Medicine We Are All Seeking

 Soul medicine is the therapeutic process that I guide my patients and coaching clients through that helps them identify and eliminate the toxic thoughts, emotions, and beliefs that have been living within their nervous systems and subconscious programming. As they decondition themselves from their old programming, they can begin reclaiming the authentic expression of themselves and as a result begin experiencing a level of joy, peace, freedom, and, vital health that their spirit has been longing for. The value and potency of this medicine cannot be emphasized enough. The deeper transformations and shifts that occur as you decondition yourself from your old programming are both profound and long-lasting.


Interested in diving deeper?

Click the button below to schedule a consultation to discuss how soul medicine can help you experience the health and happiness you desire and deserve.

 See my current events and offerings held at my office at Well Sonoma in Santa Rosa, California.