Dr. Kimberly Karuna

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Chakra Rebalancing

Albert Einstein was the first person to help us understand through his theory of special relativity that energy and matter are two sides of the same coin. The field of quantum physics has expanded on Einstein’s understanding and has since increased our awareness of what science has now proven to be true: everything is energy. Because we experience ourselves as human beings in physical form, it can be easy for us to understand that we (are) matter. We forget how the vibrational frequency of energy within us influences the physical structure and functioning of our body (our matter).

This daylong workshop explores how the chakras (commonly referred to as the energy centers) influence our physical organ systems and highlights how when we are out of balance on an energetic level, our physical body also falls out of balance. Participants receive information and instructive tools on how to recalibrate your energy centers to influence and optimize the health of your body, mind and soul.

The workshop calls us to remember a deeper truth and re-realization knowing that we are love, deserving of love and that the love within us is more than enough. Participants learn how to restore their health using information, exercises and tools that help realign the energy centers and promote health in the physical body.