Dr. Kimberly Karuna

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Soul Medicine: Healing The Wounds That Cut The Deepest

We have all had experiences where we have felt rejected, abandoned, and betrayed. The pain we experience in these moments can be greater than anything that causes us to bleed.

The wounds we carry from these experiences cut deep. Real deep. They cause a fracture within our spirit, distorting our sense of reality so that we see begin seeing our experiences through a lens of fear, judgment, and shame rather than through our default lens of love and compassionate understanding.

Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

When these wounds are not appropriately tended to, they give birth to stories of unworthiness that live alive within us yet buried deep within our soul so that the pain is kept out of our conscious awareness. It is here within our soul that these wounds will remain until one day we awaken to the ways in which they are ailing our minds, bodies, and spirits and begin seeking ways to excavate them so that they can be healed.

Yet these “soul wounds” are not healed by a pill or anything tangible. Because these wounds are held within the subtle body (the emotional and spiritual body) we must tend to them using a different kind of medicine. We must embrace the medicine of love and compassion, allowing these regenerative forces to help us heal from the inside out.

We can discover the nature of these “soul wounds” by listening to the voice of the soul as it is expressed through the body. As we learn to stay connected to our hearts and our authentic feelings and become attuned to the sensations within our bodies, we discover the meaning behind our symptoms and discover the invitation for deeper healing that lies beneath them.

We heal our soul wounds when we:

  • Learn to bring our loving presence to the painful experiences of our past and see these experiences anew, through a lens of compassion.

  • Begin awakening to the truth of who we are and rejecting who we think we or others think we ”should” be”.

  • Learn to reject our stories of rejection and instead reclaim our worthiness.

  • Stop self-betraying and self-abandoning and instead turn toward ourselves to meet our need for belonging.

When we allow this medicine to cleanse our souls, we are reminded of the ultimate truth and of our one true nature: We are love.

As we learn to hold ourselves and others within the healing resonance of love, we can experience vital health in our mind, body, soul, and in our relationships.