Dr. Kimberly Karuna

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Vitamin Injections - what they are, who they're good for, and how you get them

The healing path requires our commitment at the level of mind, body and spirit. To heal we must nourish ourselves with healthy nutrition, a healthy perspective and an abundance of support.

Why do we need vitamin or nutrient supplements?

In order for our body to heal we have to give it all of the resources it needs to properly function and begin repair. With our modern lifestyle requiring us to be on the go more than ever, our bodies have become tired and dis-eased. For individuals who have bodies in a chronically dis-eased state, optimizing one’s nutrition through food is not enough to repair, replenish and restore it to health. Thankfully, there is a whole industry that is supported by this truth with numerous companies providing us with options for oral nutritional supplementation to support our metabolic pathways.

Why vitamin pills or capsules are not efficient

Did you know that you only absorb up to 30% of nutrients you take in an oral supplement? Yes, only about 30%, and this percentage is assuming that you have excellent digestive health and are absorbing what you eat and the contents in the pills you have grown accustomed to swallowing. For individuals who experience chronic digestive complaints like abdominal bloating, constipation, diarrhea and reflux and/or gas, nutrient deficiencies are common, become persistent and can be hard to reverse.  

The more effective vitamin therapy: nutrient injections

Therapeutic nutrient injections are a great solution to quickly reverse nutrient deficiencies. Because they are administered intramuscularly, the nutrients are directed into the bloodstream without having to pass through the liver and digestive tract. The benefits are that large doses of each nutrient can be delivered and your body can utilize approximately 95% of the nutrients given. As our bodies become replete with the nutrients needed to function at an optimal level, we can experience a boost in energy, improvements in our cognitive health and a greater ability to stabilize at a healthy weight.

What kind of vitamin injections do I get?

There are a variety of nutrients that can be given to help give you a boost in your mood and your metabolism. The following are examples of nutrients that can be customized to create your own individualized metabolic boost that addresses your unique health needs and helps you achieve your health goals:

Vitamin B12 Shots, B-12 Injections

This essential nutrient supports mood, metabolism, detoxification, weight loss, cellular repair and regeneration and energy production pathways, and enhances our overall wellbeing. B12 deficiency is more likely in anyone who suffers from acid reflux, ulcers, irritable bowel and/or adheres to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Those who complain of low energy and/or have lab tests that reveal B12 levels less than 400 ng/mL can see improvements in their symptoms after one to three injections.

Vitamin B Complex, B-Complex Injections

These vital nutrients directly support and promote energy levels, healthy brain function, hormone balance and weight loss by boosting cellular metabolism.

Biotin Injections, Biotin Booster Shots

A particular B vitamin that helps keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver and nervous system healthy.

L-Carnitine Injections

This amino acid helps transports fatty acids into your cells' mitochondria to enhance both energy production and weight loss.

Magnesium Injections

This vital nutrient helps decrease anxiety, promote relaxation of muscles, lowers blood pressure and helps support bowel motility and detoxification pathways.

Methionine, Inositol, Choline (MIC) Injections, Lipotropic Injections

This combination of these nutrients are commonly referred to as “lipotropic factors” and are known to help lower cholesterol, provide protection to the liver, aid in detoxication and help support energy production and weight loss. In addition to helping mobilize the use fatty acids as a source of fuel to help resolve chronic fatigue and enhance weight loss, they also prevent fatty deposition in the liver and cardiovascular system, enhancing heart and liver health.