Dr. Kimberly Karuna

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How COVID-19 May Be Increasing Your Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

According to the 2020 National Diabetes Statistics Report, Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise with 1 out of every 10 Americans now being diagnosed with this condition. I imagine that this is a trend that is being observed worldwide, with the percentage of people with Type 2 Diabetes increasing since the COVID-19 pandemic began almost a year ago.

What Is Diabetes?

In Diabetes, the cells that respond to insulin become resistant to it which leads to persistently high levels of glucose in the blood (blood sugar). Persistently high blood sugar levels damage our microvasculature, affecting the blood vessels in our kidneys, our limbs, our eyes, and our organs.

What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes?

Symptoms of Diabetes include:

·      Increased thirst

·      Increased hunger

·      Increased frequency of urination

·      Energy and mood seem to be unstable (as sugar levels are up and down)

·      Intense sugar cravings

·      Insomnia

·      Weight changes

·      Changes in vision

·      Poor wound healing

·      Numbness and tingling in limbs

Naturopathic Treatment For Type 2 Diabetes

 Unlike Type 1 Diabetes, which is an autoimmune condition that attacks the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin, Type 2 Diabetes is considered a lifestyle disease. This is good news because it means that we can reverse this condition and can be effectively managed (if not reversed) with the right measures that appropriately and effectively lower blood glucose levels in the blood.

 Diabetes, like cardiovascular disease, is called “a silent killer” not only because it can take time for individuals to be appropriately diagnosed but also because those who are diagnosed often do not receive the appropriate treatment to effectively lower their blood sugar level.

As a well-trained naturopathic doctor, Dr. Kimberly Karuna provides her patients with excellent and effective treatment strategies that can not only reduce their blood glucose numbers into a normal and healthy range but can also assist them in losing weight and experiencing improvements in their energy, blood pressure, and cholesterol values.

Why More People Are Being Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes During The Pandemic 

1. Many people are living a more sedentary life. Many people have relied on going to the gym as a way to stay committed to an active lifestyle, and with the closure of businesses, they are finding that they lack the self-discipline needed to remain active and have thus begun living a more sedentary lifestyle.

2. More and more people are experience depression during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many have been facing unexpected challenges and losses and are being confronted with our deepest fears. Many are feeling more disconnected from their community and loved ones than ever before and the seeds of loneliness have been driving them to engage in unhealthy habits. When we haven't learned to comfort ourselves through challenging times in ways that promote our health and healing, we often resort to finding comfort through foods, alcohol, television, or spending hours on social media, all of which support the development of Type 2 Diabetes.

3. Stress levels are exceptionally high for most (if not all) of us. When we are under stress, our body's primary stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline create surges in glucose to help our bodies get the energy it needs to get away from the "tiger". When these stressors persist, we can experience persistently high glucose levels that increase our risk of developing Diabetes as well as our risk of experiencing weight gain or fatigue.

4. Many people are feeling ready to take charge of their health. There is nothing like a pandemic that has killed hundreds and thousands of people to wake us up to our own mortality and to our need to prioritize our health as well as anything else that is important to us.  Many people are starting to take their health more seriously and are now seeing a doctor to address chronic health complaints that have been there all along but were previously deferred or ignored. The good news is that all of us can use the pandemic as our own “wake up call” and begin taking steps to pave the way for a healthier future.

5 Simple Action Steps You Can Take Immediately To Decrease Your Risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes

1. Move your body every day. Being sedentary is a strong risk factor for almost every chronic disease. Increasing your level of physical activity is one of the most powerful preventative therapies when it comes to Diabetes. Weight loss is also extremely important in helping preventing or reversing type 2 diabetes. Moving your body every day helps improve your body’s ability to balance blood sugar but it also helps burn calories and increases your muscle mass which improves your ability to lose weight. 

If you are someone who has trouble getting motivated to "exercise", simply prioritize spending time doing anything that gets your heart rate up and engages your muscles. Yep - this means that dancing around in your kitchen, taking long walks with your dog, having sex, and/or doing squats and push-ups while you watch your favorite Netflix show all count.  Get that body moving and discover how much better you can feel.  

2.  Remove “sugar” from your diet.

The more we feed the "sugar beast" the harder it is to stop. Consuming excess sugar may make us feel good temporarily, but it sets up for not only developing Diabetes but also mood swings, acne, and weight gain.  When our physiology has lost the ability to properly regulate glucose levels in the body (i.e. pre-Diabetics or Diabetics), the body is not able to distinguish between refined carbohydrates and table sugar. So when I say remove “sugar” I not only mean cane sugar, agave, honey, and other foods alike but also any refined carbohydrates (and for some individuals removing carbohydrates/grains altogether is necessary).

3.  Eat enough healthy fats and protein while limiting (if not eliminating) carbohydrates.

Have you ever eaten a bagel or a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and felt hungry an hour later? Carbohydrates when eaten alone will cause a spike in blood sugar that often leads to our blood sugar soon crashing. These patterns repeated over time will lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, and increase our risk for cardiovascular disease. By ensuring that you are eating healthy fats and protein at every meal, you are supporting your body’s ability to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

4.  Know your risk for Diabetes by properly assessing your body's ability to balance your blood sugar.

Those who have family members who have had Type 2 Diabetes are at greater risk of developing Diabetes themselves. Most doctors order a fasting blood sugar but the truth is these numbers can be variable day to day based on what you ate the night before. In order to get a better idea of what your average blood sugar is, have your doctor order a Hemoglobin A1c. From a naturopathic perspective, the goal is to get your A1c at a 5.5.

5.  Get the right kind of support.

With the digital age, there is more access to information than ever before but that means that there is also a lot of contradictory information out there which can make the path to getting healthy very confusing. Fortunately, Naturopathic medicine offers highly effective treatments that can get an individual’s blood sugar under control, and often without ever needing conventional pharmaceutical medication. Understanding how to implement the right kind of diet and lifestyle as well as supplemental support if needed (whether that be the use of herbs, nutrients, insulin, or pharmaceuticals) is not only health serving but also potentially life-saving.

Now Is As Good Of A Time As Ever To Get Your Health On Track

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with pre- Diabetes or Diabetes, schedule a FREE consultation with Dr Kimberly Karuna to discover what you can do to improve your health.