Dr. Kimberly Karuna

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The Gift of the Unknown

This morning I was on a walk reflecting on how hard it used to be for me to say the words “I don’t know”. There was a time when I was more vulnerable to the fear stories that would creep in through the cracks of my mind out of habit and suggest it to be some sort of weakness to not have all of the answers.

Many of us have had to rewire our brains so that we understand that receiving support is a gift in and of itself simply because it requires us to claim our worthiness. Years ago I woke up to the fact that there was nothing noble about silencing my insecurities. The only thing I was actually doing was making a situation or experience harder than it needed to be and robbing myself of the joy that comes from sweet moments of connection with others. So now I do my best to say  “I don’t know” from a place of wonder, excitement, and surrender where I welcome the mystery and magic of the unknown so that I can embrace what it has to teach me on this spiritual journey called life.

This is not to say that I no longer encounter fear. I most certainly do. There are still moments where my fear stories rush in when I am facing the unknown, and during these times I do my best to not allow them to penetrate the depths of my psyche. My wild imagination no longer has the power to create stories that would sometimes terrify me to the point of paralysis and instead these seeds of creativity are now used to give birth to empowered visions on how to live a harmonious, passionate, and joyous life. I have learned to stop running from fear and now do my best to look it straight in the eye and say, “ I see you fear. Bring it on” simply because I know that each time I release myself from the constricting grip of fear I expand and further embraced by the healing power of love.