Dr. Kimberly Karuna

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“Just Be”, A Mantra For Experiencing Greater Health

Photo by Slava on Unsplash

There are days when I struggle with just being. I still get too caught up in focusing on how to do my life rather than just being me living my life.

When I am able to simply be me, I feel relaxed, at ease, and a sense of spaciousness. In this space, I am able to inspire the breath of life and birth new creations and hear the voice of my soul.

When I get caught in the web of doing my body feels at dis-ease, my mind and thoughts become more fixed, and my soul feels constricted and unable to breathe. In this state of constriction, it is hard to hear the voice of my soul because the voice of my fears is louder.

The irony in all of this is that my reptilian survival brain suggests that I need to put my attention and focus on what I need to do in order to build and maintain a false sense of security that will then help me feel safe enough to just simply be.


Wait…what? That sounds like living on a human rat wheel running to get somewhere that I will never get to as long I keep running and not staying present to where I am being guided to next. And, from my experience, it sort of feels that way too.

The good thing is that even when we take a so-called wrong turn along our healing path we are always redirected to where we need to be in order to continue walking the path back home to ourselves, back home to wholeness.


Trust your path and the unfolding.

Trust the un-taming process.

Trust that while learning to surrender will feel like you are dying, it is actually the path to liberation and greater health.

Give yourself permission to JUST BE.

Your body, mind, and soul will say “thank you” and reward you with good health.